Lila Marks, She's a Legend!

Lila Marks is a young 93-year-old and has been a fixture at The J for more than 30 years. If you ask other members how to describe the adorable woman known for wearing bright colors, you’d receive generally the same response. “She’s a legend!” says customer service and membership lead Henry Zuchegno.

Lila loves going to her workout classes four days a week. She spends time with others within her age group by participating in what she calls the silver skates. This is her nickname for her SilverSneakers® group. But if you go up to her and ask her what the makes The J special, she doesn’t say the free workout classes or the new fancy exercise equipment in the fitness center, she says it’s the people who make her feel at home.

“The J is my other family. Everyone is friendly and nice.” Lila absolutely loves the community that is centered around The J. That’s the feeling that you get if you’re ever lucky to meet Lila - an overwhelming feeling of love emanating from her towards others.


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