In the Jewish tradition, having compassion (or rachamim) is a core obligation to humanity. In response to Summit County's rising levels of substance abuse, the next Community Shabbat Dinner will focus on "Our Stories of Recovery," and three members of Akron's Jewish community will discuss their personal and family journeys.
Temple Israel will host the May 31 dinner, and its rabbi, Josh Brown, says our community is responsible for providing loving-kindness and support to friends and family who are struggling.
"Part of what's special about this Shabbat is that it's coming from within our community," Brown says. "When we talk about compassion, it's about seeing b'tzelem elohim, the image of God, in other people. We do that easier when we know them."
Irv Sugerman, Trip Morris and Mike Cohen will serve as panelists during the evening's discussion.
The Community Shabbat Dinner is Friday, May 31, at Temple Israel, 91 Springside Drive in Akron. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m., with Shabbat services at 6:15 p.m. and a panel discussion at 7 p.m. Babysitting and a kids' room will be available for young children.
Before May 24, the cost for the event is $18 for adults, $12 for children ages 5 to 13, and free for children under 5.
After May 24, the cost is $25 for adults, $15 for children ages 5 to 13, and free for children under 5.
You can register for this event online at; mail your reservation with payment to Shaw JCC of Akron, 750 White Pond Dr., Akron, OH 44320; call 330-867-7850; or stop by the Shaw JCC desk to RSVP.
The Community Shabbat Dinner is sponsored by the Shaw JCC, with Anshe Sfard, Beth El Congregation and Temple Israel, and support from Rubber City Jews. It is underwritten by the Jewish Community Board of Akron.