Successful Artist's Reception

A HUGE thank you to our ECE parents, families and friends for the awesome turnout for our Artist’s Reception. Thanks to your generous support, we have raised $1,250 with this annual event. We plan to purchase child-sized picnic tables for our playground as well as equip the sandbox with new shovels and diggers for spring and summer. 

The children loved creating these works of art and were so proud to show them off. The staff and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your constant support of our program and all that we do. I am constantly overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness that continue to support the Mandel ECE. 

We have chicks in our school! Ms. Lindsay, Mr. Rocco and the boys and girls of classroom 11 have waited patiently for their arrival. While they waited for these fuzzy friends, they learned about their lifecycle and how they hatch. The children counted down the days to their “due date,” made predictions on how many would hatch and even named them. It has been fun to watch ALL of the children in our program visit the chicks and celebrate with Room 11. Ms. Lindsay and Mr. Rocco and friends are taking the chicks to their forever home in Medina today. Their new owner has assured us that she will give us updates on them and provide pictures often.

In early February one of our ECE classrooms visited the Ronald McDonald House of Akron. What a wonderful experience for them! They delivered juice boxes that they had collected for their 100th day of school. While we were there we learned about the Pop Tab Partner Program. Did you know that they turn pop tabs into cash for items needed for the house? We are going to start collecting them here in our school to send to the RMH. Each classroom will have a collection jar. This is something that we will continue to work on throughout the year. One of our classrooms currently collects them and when their jar gets filled up, they celebrate with an ice cream or pizza party. This small gesture on our part makes a big difference to so many that stay at the Ronald McDonald House. And it is also a wonderful way to show our kiddos how we can continually help others. Thanks in advance for your support.

Have a great weekend!