
16 2017

Be'Tay Avon Cafe - Visit Israel with Shay

11:30AM - 1:30PM  

SHAW JCC 750 White Pond
Akron, OH 44320

Contact Rachel Williams

Through visuals and stories, we will visit the holy land. Come and eat an Israeli meal while Shay shares with us a multi-media presentation discovering the Northern, Central and Southern regions of Israel. We will get a glimpse into places like Be’er Sheba, Masada, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, the Sea of Galilee, Haifa, and much, MUCH more! If you have missed any or all of Shay’s presentations this year, this will surely be a great way to see what you have missed!
$5.00 for lunch, pay as you can!

Sponsor: Brought to you in part by funding from the Edward L Abramson Grant/JCBA