
31 2018

Healios 360: Quiet Place Series

5:05AM - 6:00AM  

Shaw JCC of Akron 750 White Pond Dr
Akron, OH

Contact Our Friendly Staff
(330) 867-7850

$ Cost $ 150.00

Oct. 15-Dec. 7
Mondays through Fridays, 5:05-6 a.m.
For women only, ages 21+
This can be a busy season, but with the Quiet Path can help you go from hectic to harmony. This is the fourth in the training cycle of the Compassionate Change series and can help you through the holiday season by providing holistic training for heart, health, and happiness. 
Dr. Peach Yahney, PhD. offers a unique experience that combines mind-body research, spiritual wisdom, and exercise for change.  
Learn how exercise and neuroscience can help you create the change you desire. The fusion classes offer a unique experience with varied workouts and intensities. The classes honor where you are at and options when you are ready. 
Learn how neuroscience techniques can help you create positive and long lasting change in how think about yourself and how you approach life.  
Learn to create a harmonious life of strength, energy, compassion, and love. 
Cost: $150 Member/$160 Guest. Maximum 24 participants. 
To register, call 330-867-7850, stop by the desk or register online at  ShawJCC.org/Online-Registration. 604.6.157