
18 2017

Ping Pong Classes (ages 8-13)

6:00PM - 7:00PM  

Shaw JCC of Akron 750 White Pond Dr
Akron, OH

Contact Samson Dubina

Ping Pong Classes (ages 8-13) - Beginner Level sponsored by the Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy

Table tennis recently became the #1 tournament sport in the world with 30 million tournament players worldwide. Join the fast-paced action sport where you can learn new skills, meet new friends and compete against players of all ages and skill levels. 

No prior training is necessary. All equipment will be provided. Instruction is 6-7 p.m. followed by league play 7-8:45 p.m. Kids can come for instruction and have the option to play matches afterwards. 

Cost: $70 Members/$80 Nonmembers for 8 weeks; Deadline to register is May 11 (payments after that will be accepted on a case-by-case basis) 

To register, call 330-949-9230 or email